
19 世紀にヨーロッパでハイキングやキャンプ生活が人気になるにつれ、アウトドア用品の需要が高まり始め、ダウン寝袋はアウトドア キャンプに必要不可欠なものとなり、広く使用され普及しました。th century,and the companies started its design and productions only when the demands for outdoor gears increased.As the Himalayan adventures and mountaineering activities get thrived,the design and production of sleeping bags got more developed and perfected and finally born the Mummy sleeping bag which can wrap the body tightly. And the British mountaineers ever used this down sleeping bag climbed Mount Everest successfully,which made the cold resistance of the down sleeping bag widely recognized.

As hiking and camping life became popular in Europe in the 19th century, the demand for outdoor equipment began to take rise, and down sleeping bags became a necessary eq for outdoor camping, which was widely used and spread.